Happy New Year! January 1st comes every year and somehow I still get surprised of just how fast the time flew by! 2017 was a year of many changes, learning, and growth for our family! Adi had many firsts, including first steps and growing from infant to toddler. Coen started his first year at school, joined his first soccer team, and has done a lot of maturing. I completed my first year as a SAHM and re-lauched Nat in Love a few months ago. Whit has grown at his role at church and will be ordained this Sunday. We have had some fun and happy times with lots of snuggles and tickles, and also some challenging and heartbreaking ones as well. All in all, I close 2017 with Ebenezer because "Thus far the Lord has helped us." 1 Samuel 7:12.
As we start this new year, I am excited for what's to come. Last year brought me closer to God and my family, so I'm ready for whatever comes next! While I don't make official New Year resolutions, here are some things that I started working on this past year that I still want to get better at!
Choose Love over Anger
This is often a daily battle for me, especially with toddlers! You can read my "Choose Love" and "Slow to Anger" posts as I shared some of my struggle with this.
Choose Boldness + Faith over Fear
I haven't shared much about this just yet, but I plan to this year since it's something that I've lived with my entire life. Fear has entrapped me at times and I'm finally learning to overcome it, one step at a time.
Choose Joy + Thankfulness over Worry
I'm easily worried, but God continues to renew my mind and soul to find my joy and thankfulness in Him. I plan on sharing more about this since it's been such a struggle; in the meantime, you can read my "Thankfulness" and "Monday Blues" posts!
As you can see, I have a lot of work to do, but the best part is that the battle has already been won. The more I draw near and rely on God, the easier it will be to choose Love, Boldness, Faith, Joy, and Thankfulness!
What about you? What your 2018 goals/resolutions?
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