Current Faves


(Favoritos del Momento)

*NEW* Corporate Chic
(*NUEVO* Elegancia Corporativa)

Responding to Controversies
(Respondiendo a las Controversias)

From Work to Home
(Del Trabajo a la Casa)

Birthday Thoughts: 2018
(Pensamientos de Cumpleaños)

Year in Review: 2018
(Revisión del Año 2018)

*Christmas Sugar Cookies
(Galletas de Navidad de Azúcar)

Happy 2018!
(Feliz 2018)

Sweatshirts for Petites
(Sudaderas para las Chicas Pequeñas)

Today is the Day
(Hoy es el Día)

Finding Hope in God's Faithfulness
(Encontrando Esperanza en la Fidelidad de Dios)

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel
(Suscríbete a mi canal de YouTube)

Find me on Pinterest
(Encuéntrame en Pinterest)

How to Prepare for School
(Cómo Prepararse para la Escuela)

Back to School: Kindergarten
(De Vuelta a la Escuela: Kindergarten)

Lessons From Our Year of Pre-K
(Lecciones de Nuestro Año de Prekínder)

Prepping for Pre-K
(Preparándonos Para Prekínder)

Shop Adi's Unicorn
(Compra el Unicornio de Adi)

Shop T-shirt Dress
(Compra Vestido de Camiseta)

Shop the Bottles/Bowls Labels we used for School
(Write-On, Self-Laminating, Waterproof)

Shop the Bottles/Bowls and Clothing Labels we used for School
(Write-On, Self-Laminating, Waterproof)

Shop the Potty Book we have loved with both kiddos

Shop Coen's Backpack (color "Blue with Reflector")

Shop Adi's Large Play Slide

Joy Wallpapers
(Fondos de Pantalla de Gozo)

Time to Slow Down
(Tiempo de Estar Quietos)

Fading Away

Victory over a Mom Fail
(Victoria Sobre un Fracaso de Mamá)

Maternity Photos with Coen

Adi's Newborn Photos

Coen's Newborn Photos

Some links may be sponsored or affiliate links (which means that if you click the link provided and complete a purchase, then a small amount of commission is earned). All opinions, ideas, and styling are my very own.

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